Toast Of Wargaming Potatoes

Skarbrand Tactics
  • The first night I followed the recipe and boiled the potatoes and I think after the baking, they were just alittle over-cooked - SO, on the second night, I microwaved them for 10 minutes on high. They were PERFECT after the baking. When blending the ingredients together, I litely coated the potatoes before putting them into a roasting foil bag.
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Subject: Skarbrand Tactics

Bloodthirsty Bloodletter

Seems the rules are out for him and boy is he a monster. Slower than the Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster by 2', and only starts out with 4 attacks compared to the Bloodthirster's 6. No true ranged attack other than his breath, but when he hits with his only attack with Carnage, causes 8 unsaveable wounds period.
Seems his special ability would be often used for re-rolling to hit since he at least gets one ability per turn. 5 at the beginning if he hasn't attacked anything yet so it will be some trouble keeping him directed to who you want to kill.
Gets stronger as he gets wounded compared to other Monsters.
How would one use him in any Chaos Army?
Bloodsecrator and Chaos Warshrine buffs perhaps?
Subject: Re:Skarbrand Tactics

Savage Minotaur

Wrong subforum it seems mi hermano!
'Sometimes the only victory possible is to keep your opponent from winning.' - The Emperor, from The Outcast Dead.
'Tell your gods we are coming for them, and that their realms will burn as ours did.' -Thostos Bladestorm
Subject: Skarbrand Tactics

Morphing Obliterator

This is News and Rumours.
See, you're trying to use people logic. DM uses Mandelogic, which we've established has 2+2=quack. - Aerethan
Putin.....would make a Vulcan Intelligence officer cry. - Jihadin
AFAIK, there is only one world, and it is the real world. - Iron_Captain
DakkaRank Comment: I sound like a Power Ranger.
TFOL and proud. Also a Forge World Fan.
I should really paint some of my models instead of browsing forums.
Subject: Skarbrand Tactics

Dankhold Troggoth

Moved to AoS Tactics
Subject: Skarbrand Tactics

Regular Dakkanaut

(1) Khorne have a few tricks to give models +1 attack, which often state +1 attack for each melee weapon. Getting extra attacks with his auto-8-wound axe will absolutely murder multi-wound adversaries.
(2) Interestingly, since he starts incandescent, tarpitting him with a very offensively weak unit might be the smart counter - it will actually 'nerf' his stats more than if you put a bunch of wounds on him early on. He's weakest attacking each turn but not taking wounds.
Subject: Skarbrand Tactics

Bloodthirsty Bloodletter

D'oh! Thanks for the move though.
So far, I can only see him getting 2 extra attacks from the Bloodsecrator and Wrathmongers.
Some Tzeentch support looks very useful too. Kairos's change one die roll into whatever you want would be nice when he finally gets in the one combat you need him to be in.
Subject: Skarbrand Tactics

Chaos Space Marine dedicated to Slaanesh

Its too bad the axe says 8 wounds to a single model. If you hit any monster or hero its toast, but any tar pit will only lose one model to it.Also the wounds aren't mortal, so Naggash the Bastildon and the like don't get their special save against it.I do really like that he isn't a priority pick in combat, he would do well to be picked last almost. Let him take a few before he wipes out a unit!
CD 4000
Deamons, Deamons, Warriors, and Marines. All in the name of Chaos!
Subject: Skarbrand Tactics

Regular Dakkanaut

Lou_Cypher wrote:
So far, I can only see him getting 2 extra attacks from the Bloodsecrator and Wrathmongers.

Each of those abilities +1 attack per weapon, and one of his weapons does 3 damage evenly while the other can put up to 8 wounds on a single model... that's a lot of extra hurt against the right targets (multi-wound models like ogres, etc.)!
Subject: Skarbrand Tactics

Fresh-Faced New User

A good (but unfluffy) combo would be playing Sayl the Faithless (got a spell grating a fly speed of 18').
-wait turn 1 in cover
-fly turn 2 and obliterate the enemy general
Subject: Skarbrand Tactics

Sword-Bearing Inquisitorial Crusader

pachalskie wrote:
A good (but unfluffy) combo would be playing Sayl the Faithless (got a spell grating a fly speed of 18').
-wait turn 1 in cover
-fly turn 2 and obliterate the enemy general

Interesting! I first mis-read Sayl and thought you could only cast it on slaves of darkness models, this just opened some really fun possibilities with alot of armies! Thanks for sharing
I would sign this contract but I already ate the potato
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Toast Of Wargaming Potatoes
Forum Index » AoS War Council

Sure, you've tried avocado toast, peanut butter toast, and maybe a warm slice of bread with fruit and hazelnut spread. But what if we told you there was a way to eliminate the bread entirely? These sweet potato toasts couldn't be easier to make, and they're delicious, too.

If you're gluten-free, sweet potato toasts are a delicious alternative to the gluten-free bread options out there. Plus, you'll get all the nutrients that a fresh sweet potato can provide.

Swapping in sliced sweet potato for bread adds a hefty dose of fiber to this breakfast option. Plus, if you choose to top the sweet potato slices with almond or peanut butter, as two of the below recipes suggest, you'll get 10 grams of protein with each serving. That'll keep you full and ready to tackle your day.

Toast of wargaming potatoes recipe

This recipe is super simple, too—the hardest part will be deciding whether you want to try the almond-cherry, Southwestern, or peanut butter and jelly topping recipe option first!

Makes 4 servings

Almond-Cherry Toppings

Nutrition: 409 calories, 18 g fat (1 g saturated), 66 mg sodium, 9 g fiber, 32 g sugar, 10 g protein



2 medium sweet potatoes (16 oz)
1/2 cup unsalted almond butter
2 cups frozen sweet cherries, thawed
Dash cinnamon

Toast Of Wargaming Potatoes For Sale

Southwestern Toppings

Nutrition: 169 calories, 4 g fat (1 g saturated), 214 mg sodium, 6 g fiber, 7 g sugar, 4 g protein


2 medium sweet potatoes (16 oz)
1/2 cup guacamole
1 cup quartered cherry tomatoes
1/2 cup frozen roasted corn, thawed
2 Tbsp snipped fresh cilantro

PB&J Toppings

Nutrition: 344 calories, 16 g fat (2 g saturated), 63 mg sodium, 7 g fiber, 17 g sugar, 10 g protein


2 medium sweet potatoes (16 oz)
1/2 cup unsalted peanut butter
1 medium banana, thinly sliced
3 Tbsp strawberry fruit spread

How to Make It

  1. Trim ends of sweet potatoes, leaving the skin on. Cut sweet potatoes lengthwise into 1/4-inch-thick slices. Discard the short outside slices.
  2. Place 4 slices at a time between paper towels. Microwave on high 1 minute. Cool.
  3. Place 2 slices, long sides down, in a toaster set for dark toasting. Toast 6 to 8 minutes or until tender, pressing slices back down in the toaster (if they pop up) during toasting.
  4. Top as desired.


After microwaving sweet potato slices, cool. Place in an airtight container. Chill up to 3 days.

Toast Of Wargaming Potatoes Recipes

RELATED: The easy way to make healthier comfort foods.

Toast Of Wargaming Potatoes Recipe

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