Homework Handouts Additional Resourcesmac's History


Week 6- 9 Plate Tectonics, Continental Drift and Colorado- 4/25 - 5/19

posted Apr 21, 2017, 10:18 AM by Eric Andrews [ updated May 19, 2017, 7:17 AM]

Printable Weekly Assignment Sheet for Students. This weekly assignment sheet set contains two options and both come in the set. There is an option that is in black and white, which can save on printer ink. The Herricks School District, a Community of Learners, through its educational programs, promotes intellectual curiosity and creative expression, values diversity, and measures success by one's personal development and contributions to society.

This week we are discussing the theories of plate tectonics and continental drift in more depth.. Below you will find helpful links and assignments that we will be discussing/doing over the week. Honors science your links are below, general science links are below that. Have a great week!

Homework/Handouts/ and other important stuff

Earthquake Damage Presentation


Sea Floor Spreading video- Take out a

clean piece of paper and take notes over what you watch!



Plate Tectonics- Take out your video note sheet from yesterday and add to that sheet with information from this video. Hold onto your notes until Monday!


Types of Plate Boundaries Presentation for Friday

Types of Plate Boundaries- Notes.pptx

Video to watch if you get done and have additional time left over

National Geographic Colliding Continents 480p.mp4

BBC Documentary _ Plannet Earth Episode 2 _ Mountains ‎( HD Documentary )‎.mp4

Video Notes

The Theory of Plate Tectonics Part 1

The Theory of Plate tectonics Part 1.mp4

The Theory of Plate Tectonics Part 2

The Theory of Plate tectonics part 2.mp4

How Earthquakes Happen- Earthquake Myths from Wednesday! Presentation

Musical Plates Day 3

Musical Plates Day 4- Volcano website

Plate Boundaries PDF

Notes over Red Rocks and Dinosaur ridge- contains Youtube videos that may not be accessible at home

This is the page where I post electronic versions of handouts for presentations I have given or resources in addition to the handout you received.

Homework Handouts Additional Resourcesmac's History Notes

All handouts are copyrighted and intended for the personal use of those who attend my presentations. They may not be reproduced or shared without my permission.

Thank you for attending my presentation or for purchasing the recording. I hope you’ll find these additional resources helpful.

Homework Handouts Additional Resourcesmac's History Pdf


Homework Handouts Additional Resourcesmac's History Worksheets

Additional Resources for Bounty Land: It’s Complicated Download here

Homework Handouts Additional Resourcesmac's History Textbook

Additional Resources for 2019 CGSI Conference presentations: Download here