Rat Maze

Posted on the 17 March 2016 by Alain_fouxer
  1. Rat Maze Images
  2. Rat Maze Gungeon
  3. Rat Maze Game

You do now that rats have been used as laboratory test subjects since time immemorial. You should have also paid notice to those mazes built for rats to run and test on. These mazes are actually built to measure certain physical and mental aspects of rats depending on what type of test are being run on them. Naturally of course, there is more than just one type of maze in order to fully test these aspects and reach maximum outputs and results.
Since the early 20th century, rats have been examined how they respond and behave as they run in different types of maze, from T-shaped mazes, water mazes, to radial arms mazes. Generally, these different types of maze are used to measure the spatial learning capacity and memory in rats. Mazes actually help scientists unearth the general principles of a creature's learning capacity and hopefully would be utilized in human applications in the future. At present, mazes are being used to identify or determine the effects of certain conditions or treatments to the learning capacity and memory of rats.
You would be surprised to know that rats are actually amazing maze runners. Their ability to run and solve mazes is actually a by-product of their evolution. Rats have always been critters that burrow through tunnels and find their way out. It's of no surprise at all why they are such gifted maze running creatures.
The Classic Maze
This type of maze is the one that first pops into a person's mind. The maze is basically comprised of simple horizontal and vertical walls and a transparent ceiling. The platform can be with narrow passages or with wide ones depending on the level of test being performed on the rat. The rat would begin on one location (starting point), runs across the maze, and solve it as it reaches the other end where a reward awaits.
Often the questions raised every after run of this maze would be: 'How many tries did it take for the hungry mouse until it finished the maze?' Or how long did it take for the mouse to get to the other end without any mistake? Over time the results are recorded and are statistically graphed and interpreted. This will then become important data for the research in order to gain a study output.
The T-Maze
The T-Maze, as its name implies is actually a maze shaped like a letter 'T'. Often a reward is placed in the other side of the T or on both sides. The rat is then tasked to make a choice between the two sides or the T arm.
Often, T-mazes are used to determine the side preferences on rats. Whether there is no reward on the other side of the arm, what will the rat choose?
The Multiple T-Maze
A multiple T-maze is actually a T-maze in essence only that there are several T-Junctions that branch off from each T-zone. This is basically a much more complicated T-maze for rats to run on, therefore making it as well much more challenging. Such a maze is designed to accommodate much more complicated test programs would often extract much more specific information on the rat's behavioral aspects.
The Y-Maze
This maze is actually quite similar to the T-maze. The only significant difference is that the Y-Maze has three identical arms therefore three choices for the rat to choose from. The Y-Maze is actually a much simpler version of the T-maze as the rat could easily through the end of the arms at the middle point.
To Know About How to Catch a Rat Follow This Link
To Know About How to Kill Rats Follow This Link

Watch 25 trials of a rat from this treament group. How do hormones, like estrogens, affect learning and the formation of memories? Students use this simulation with videos from a real laboratory to test how rats perform in a maze test. Rats who were already familiar with the maze learned to solve the maze more quickly and acheived better scores than rats who had never been given exploration time. Their proficiency indicated that the rats had generated a cognitive map of the maze during their explorations (Tolman and Honzik 1930). Attempts to run non-rodents through mazes were short-lived. Soon the rat became the standard animal in psychology, and the maze was the standard apparatus for the rat. One crucial innovation came. The rats around the hatch can be jammed, and will deal contact damage. The Trusty Lockpicks, Drill, Shelleton Key, and AKEY-47 cannot open the hatch to the Resourceful Rat's Lair that requires the Gnawed Key. If the players kills the roaming rats and leave the room unattended for a long time, the rat corpses will disappear.

The Resourceful Rat's Lair (only referred to in-game as ???) is a secret chamber in The Gungeon, accessed through a hidden passage found in the Black Powder Mine. It requires at least one key, two blanks, and the Gnawed Key to enter. As the name suggests, it is the domicile of the Resourceful Rat and as such, nearly all floor features are themed around him. This includes the map only showing an animation of him holding a piece of cheese on a fishing rod and even the loading screen when entering the chamber.

Throughout the chamber, the player will encounter numerous rats holding candles. While these rats are harmless under normal circumstances, dying instantly upon player contact and occasionally yielding money, they can be jammed if the player has any curse, which will cause them to deal contact damage.

Like Bullet Hell this floor features no shops and no chest rooms (unless one counts the reward room after beating the boss).

How to access[edit | edit source]

Reaching the Resourceful Rat's Lair requires the Gnawed Key, a key to open the trapdoor (or any key replacing items like Shelleton Key or AKEY-47), and 2-3 blanks (or an explosive item or weapon that can open secret rooms).

  • In the Black Powder Mine, a room will have 2-4 rats running on the ground, as a hint. In this room there will be a locked trapdoor hidden by dust that can be revealed by walking on the respective tile, spraying it with Goop, water from the Mega Douser, or using a blank in the room (short-range blank effects, like blank bullets, will not reveal the trapdoor). A larger than normal dust cloud will appear when walking over the respective tile.
  • After unlocking the trapdoor with any normal key or key-replacing items, falling down it leads to a minecart on a track. Ride the minecart (or walk on the track) to the end, then use a blank to reveal a secret passage (activating a blank effect anywhere including the area before the track will reveal the room). Alternatively, if you have armor, taking damage (by falling into the pit) will reveal the first secret passage.
  • At the end of the secret passage, use another blank to reach a room with another locked hatch.
    • Alternatively, Bloodied Scarf can be used to teleport past both passages without using blanks.
    • Armor cannot be used to open the second passage unless the player has other means of damaging themselves as the first passage is considered a separate room from the one with the pit.
  • Open the hatch with the Gnawed Key and enter it.
    • Entering the Lair for the first time will unlock the Weird Egg.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • The Gungeon Blueprint does not show the trapdoor's icon on the map.
  • After falling down the trapdoor, there is a ladder to get back to the Black Powder Mine.
  • If the player rides the minecart leading to the Gnawed Key hatch, the player will be repeatedly teleported backwards in the tunnel, making it appear longer than it actually is. This does not occur if the player does not ride the minecart, making it faster to walk on the tracks instead.
  • The rats around the hatch can be jammed, and will deal contact damage.
  • The Trusty Lockpicks, Drill, Shelleton Key, and AKEY-47 cannot open the hatch to the Resourceful Rat's Lair that requires the Gnawed Key.
  • If the players kills the roaming rats and leave the room unattended for a long time, the rat corpses will disappear.
  • If the player has flight when entering the Resourceful Rat's Lair, the loading screen will be the default loading screen instead of the rat variant.
  • If the player teleports while falling into the trapdoor, the game will act like the player fell in a normal pit, dealing damage to the player.
  • If the player enters the trapdoor before clearing the rat room, then teleports out of the minecart room and overrides that teleport, the rat floor will become softlocked.
    • The player may be able to correct this with the use of an explosive weapon, which may be able to deal AOE damage through the door. Or through the use of Bloodied Scarf to teleport back into the room.

Layout[edit | edit source]

Upon entering the floor, the player must fall down the hole in the room to the right to enter the maze.

Maze[edit | edit source]

The maze consists of an endless grid of square rooms filled with enemies. The player must use the clues from the six Infuriating Notes in the Ammonomicon to determine the correct sequence of directions to travel. Each note ends with a piece of cheese pointing in a specific direction, and the six directions are in order of the six notes in the Ammonomicon. If the directions are successfully followed in order, the player will reach the Resourceful Rat. However, if the player wanders too long without finding the Resourceful Rat, they will simply be taken to an elevator to the Hollow.

Since the correct sequence required to find the Rat is randomly generated, copying the route of another player is ineffective. However, once the correct route to the Rat has been found, it will stay the same for that player on all future playthroughs.

Fight[edit | edit source]

See Resourceful Rat.

Post-Rat[edit | edit source]

After the Resourceful Rat has been fought, the player will be taken to a room with eight pedestals with 2 keys, 1 Glass Guon Stone, 1 Blank, 1 full heart, 1 armor, 1 ammo box, and 1 spread ammo box, along with four special chests that can be opened with special Rat Keys dropped by the Resourceful Rat. These chests always contain Elimentaler, Partially-Eaten Cheese, Resourceful Sack, and Rat Boots. The room also has a secret room, where a serpent is behind two locked doors that can be opened with Rat Keys.

  • While there are two locked doors, the player only needs to use one Rat Key to feed the serpent.

After leaving the loot room, the player can either head to the Hollow or spend a Rat Key to skip to the Forge.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • The maze in the Switch release of Gungeon is consistent at: down, right, down, up, down, up
  • The directions to the Resourceful Rat are randomised for each player, but are the same between save files.
    • As a result, the Infuriating Notes can be skipped on different save files. Doing so causes the Rat to say 'What!? How did you find me? You are either exceedingly lucky or some kind of hacker!' during the intro.
  • If the player has Mimic Tooth Necklace, a mimic with googly eyes will tell the player the Mimic Union is spread thin and can't provide mimics for the Rat Chests. Despite this, the Rat Chests can still be mimics.
  • The chests can be opened using Trusty Lockpicks.
  • The chests will drop a random rank gun/item if the player has that item currently in their inventory.
    • This does not apply if the chest in question is a Mimic, making it possible to obtain multiple Rat Boots. Other duplicates will simply disappear upon pickup, however.
  • It is possible to feed the Resourceful Rat to the serpent by kicking him towards it.
  • Teleporting into a new room using the Bloodied Scarf may cause the game to softlock. (PC)
  • The room in which the serpent is held will not be open unless the player has defeated the third phase of the Rat fight during that run.
    • This can be bypassed by using the Bloodied Scarf and teleporting to the place in which the room would usually be. This causes part of the black area surrounding the room to brighten up and turn light grey where the room would usually appear.
      • The player can feed the serpent when teleporting in. However, feeding the serpent the Bloodied Scarf will result in a softlock, as the player will have no way to escape the cell.
  • The Resourceful Rat will not steal items left on the ground on this floor. However, since rooms cannot be re-entered once left, this is only observable when using items that transport the player back to the beginning of the chamber, such as Gun Soul.

Rat Maze Images

Boss[edit | edit source]

Resourceful Rat

Enemies[edit | edit source]

Chance KinRuns away from the player and disappears if not killed. Turns into a !-cube which drops a random pickup upon death.
Red Shotgun KinSlowly walks towards the player, occasionally firing a tight spread of 5 bullets. Has a chance to fire 6 bullets in all directions upon death.
Blue Shotgun KinSlowly walks towards the player, occasionally firing a wide spread of 5 bullets quickly followed by a wide spread of 4 bullets. Has a chance to fire 6 bullets in all directions upon death.
Veteran Shotgun KinSlowly walks towards the player, occasionally firing a V-shaped spread of 5 bullets and predicting the player's movements. Fires many bullets in all directions upon death.
Mutant Shotgun KinSlowly walks towards the player, firing tight spreads of 5 fast-moving bullets. Fires 6 bullets in all directions upon death.
Ashen Shotgun KinSlowly walks towards the player, firing tight spreads of 5 fast-moving bullets.
SkulletSlowly walks towards the player, occasionally firing two spreads of triangular bullets.
SpentWalks towards the player and attempts to deal contact damage.
CreechWalks towards the player, periodically releasing bouncing bullets in all directions.
PinheadWalks towards the player and explodes upon death. If the player gets too close, it will leap towards the player and explode.
CubulonFrequently fires bullets in all directions in a diamond shape.
ChancebulonFires random attacks from other Blobulon enemies, along with groups of bullets that look like dice. Has a chance to fire multiple attacks at the same time, and has a chance to die instead of attacking.
AmmomancerAttempts to summon Shelletons. They will cancel their summoning ritual and run away if the player is too close or they take too much damage. If the Ammonancer is killed while their Shelleton is still alive, then the Shelleton will collapse.
JammomancerJams an enemy in the room, increasing their health, speed, and damage.
JamerlengoJams all enemies in the room, increasing their health, speed, and damage.
ShotgatLaunches two projectiles in a V shape at the player, dying in the process.
Dead BlowPounds the ground, leaving a patch of fire and sending fire bullets in all directions. Cannot be killed, and disappears when the room is completed. In some rooms, the Dead Blow will follow the player.
Lead MaidenHops around, then opens up and fires three rings of triangular bullets that stick to walls, then fire towards the player. Cannot be damaged while closed. Explodes upon death.
Misfire BeastCamouflages itself and creates projections that attack the player with bullet whips.
Phaser SpiderFires large web-shaped sprays of bullets at the player that leave slowing cobwebs on the floor. Frequently burrows into the ground and reappears elsewhere in the room.
KillithidSummons portals around the room that fire bullets towards the player. Occasionally splits into three copies of itself, two of which are illusions.
ShelletonSlowly walks towards the player, frequently firing two wide bursts of bullets at the player. Occasionally fires a laser at the player. Collapses upon death, and will revive if not destroyed after a short period of time.
GunreaperSwings its scythe, sending a homing arc of bullets towards the player. Cannot be killed, and disappears upon completing the room.
  • In addition, the skeletal rat-like minions summoned in the Resourceful Rat Boss Fight can appear in large quantities.

Rooms[edit | edit source]

Most rooms in the lair share the same square-like shape with an exit tunnelling on each side. The contents of these rooms are as follows:

  • 2 random Shotgun Kin variants and 1 Mutant Shotgun Kin (all 3 being jammed) guarding an Ammomancer.
  • 2 Lead Maidens.
  • 2 Chance Kin accompanied by a player-seeking Dead Blow.
  • 1 of each Shotgun Kin variant (excluding Executioners and Shotgrubs), a Shotgat and a Creech. Following this either when all enemies are slain or nearly all, a Jamerlengo appears.
  • A jammed Chancebulon. This wave is followed by another jammed Chancebulon together with 2 regular Chancebulons.
  • An on-spawning army of Rat minions.
  • A horde of Spents together with a Gunreaper. After a fair few are slain, 2 Skullets and a Jammomancer join the fight.
  • An empty room.
  • 2 Shelletons.
  • 2 Phaser Spiders.
  • 2 Chancebulons and a Misfire Beast.
  • 2 Pinhead, 1 Killithid and 1 Cubulon.

Rat Maze Gungeon

Every room has TNT, Tables, Coffins and Phaser Spider webs strewn about randomly.

See also[edit | edit source]

The Gungeon
The BreachKeep of the Lead LordGungeon ProperBlack Powder MineHollowForge
Secret Chambers
OublietteAbbey of the True GunResourceful Rat's LairR&G Dept.Bullet Hell

Rat Maze Game

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