The Role Project Management Plays In Marketing Your Website

  1. The Role Project Management Plays In Marketing Your Website Marketing
  2. The Role Project Management Plays In Marketing Your Website Page

Companies that are trying to actively recruit the top qualified candidates to come and join their team need to spend time focusing on writing the best job descriptions. This essential part of the hiring process can help attract better people and give contenders for the job a better idea of what it may be like working in the actual position. Employers who don’t have an extensive human resources department may struggle with the step of writing a great job description. That is why it is important to carefully review the web project manager job description sample below that has been prepared as an example. By seeing a sample of what an effective job posting may look like for a web project manager, you can begin the process of writing your own job description that is specific to your organization.

The Role Project Management Plays In Marketing Your Website Marketing

The web project manager is the leader of a team of individuals with creative and technical skills that creates various projects for the Internet. As project manager, your job is to help manage the entire life of the project, from conception to live online delivery. Each day, you will review the tasks and goals that need to be completed with your team. You will work with the company’s customers in order to deliver the web product that they envision. You will also work with the leaders of the company to try and create new and innovative web solutions for upcoming projects or situations.

Web Project Manager Job Responsibilities and Duties:

The Role Project Management Plays In Marketing Your Website
  • Follow the scope of an online project that goes from the proposal stage, to the technical work up, and finally to the delivery of the web product.
  • Participate in the initial conception stage along with a client in order to better meet the needs of the customer and to translate those expectations to employees.
  • Design solutions for customer problems related to online commerce, corporate identity or other website presence issues.
  • Lead the design process of a website by working with a team of graphic designers, writers and web developers.
  • Work to find and solve any problems with the function of a web project by implementing testing processes and working with technical staff in order to address any issues.
  • Supervise a team of web professionals by developing effective training procedures, appropriate task assignments, positive customer experiences and top quality control processes.
  • Aim to meet all project goals within the specified budget of the client and the organization; adjust practices to reflect cost saving measures.
  • Generate periodic project status reports to be presented to company stakeholders; detail data, tasks and processes.
  • Develop additional skills, certifications and other banks of knowledge in the Internet industry by attending professional conferences, leading seminars with colleagues and keeping all relative qualifications and certificates up to date.
  • Take on new and unproven tasks in order to develop new business ideas and opportunities that help lead the company to future success.

Agile, Scrum & Lean. Introduction to Agile Elearning; Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® ELEARNING; Agile Project Management- AgilePM® - ELEARNING. One way to ensure successful project delivery is to have clearly defined project roles. In this blog post I will outline the six project delivery roles that I put together to deliver a successful project. Project Roles The six project delivery team roles are in addition to the project roles of Sponsor and Business Lead.

Web Project Manager Skills and Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree
  • At least 2 years of experience managing projects in a creative setting
  • Experience in communicating with clients in various ways
  • Knowledge about the development and design of online sites
  • Ability to manage many different jobs and meet deadlines consistently
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills

Company Profile

Innovative Web Solutions has been around since the early days of the web, developing Internet sites and online tools for some of the most productive online businesses since before the new millennium. We have a strong record of success that includes award-winning web design, the latest software tools and a focus on delivering exactly what our customers want. As technology has evolved in this industry, we have expanded to offer beyond just an attractive online presence for companies. We work to create online tools to support commerce and building businesses. The most valuable part of our organization is our team of qualified and highly skilled individuals.

Writing a Job Description Best Practices

  • The next step is to start writing your own web project manager job description. If you are still stumped and not sure how to begin, follow the helpful advice below:
    • Do follow the outline the sample description uses.
    • Do take the time to include real responsibilities and tasks.
    • Do focus on writing a succinct, yet appealing summary of your company for the profile piece.
    • Don’t worry about specific details about salary.
    • Don’t avoid being realistic about what applicants should expect.

      You should read and review the web project manager job description sample several times. Customize it with your location’s information to match your needs.


Want to use this job description?

Web Project Manager Job Responsibilities

In the increasingly net-centric world, you need a qualified web project manager more than ever, no matter your industry. Finding one with a vague web project manager job description, though, can be as difficult as running a Google search with vague search terms. Improve your talent search and elevate applicant quality by improving your job description and turning it into a powerful screening tool.

You should follow a few rules of thumb when building a web project manager job description. Gone are the days of 10-page job descriptions that read like a legal contract — and are about as exciting. Your job descriptions need to speak the language of jobseekers, using bold, action-driven verbiage and a conversational yet professional tone to open a dialogue. Rather than impersonal and lengthy, create something personal and tightly written using short, impactful bullet points. For the right applicants, these bullets describe what they can see themselves doing on a daily basis and tell them this is the perfect job for them.

Our sample web project manager job responsibilities only include five bullets, but yours should include 8 to 10. Take a look:

  • Coordinate projects to design and launch web portals, static sites and interactive domains for client projects
  • Guide web development team in designing user flows according to client goals
  • Prepare mockups for client approval
  • Establish milestones and schedules to meet deliverables on time and within budget
  • Monitor team activity for alignment with requirements and timeline
  • Troubleshoot problems with development, integration and go-live
Web Project Manager Job Specifications

Just like Google’s search tools, the job specifications section of your web project manager job description is critical to refining and honing your talent search results. This list of core requirements encourages applicants to check themselves against the criteria before applying and can reduce the number of poorly qualified applicants.

Consult your web development team for the best idea of what to look for in a web project manager. Your dev team will work under this manager every day, and while you need to take some contributions with a grain of salt, the majority of your team will let you know the type of person who’ll best be able to lead them through the project lifecycle. This can include everything from prior experience to certifications to experience with certain technologies or development methodologies, but should be a short list of only what’s essential to perform well in the role.

The Role Project Management Plays In Marketing Your Website Page

We recommend 5-6 bullets to round out your web project manager job description. Here’s an example of our web project manager job specifications:

  • Bachelor’s degree in IT discipline required; Master’s degree desired
  • Must possess in-depth knowledge of RUP principles
  • At least 10 years of experience developing dynamic websites for clients
  • Strong customer-facing abilities as primary liaison and representative
  • Ability to lead teams through prioritizing and completing multiple concurrent projects

Content is the kingof the online world and the way you market it goes a long way in ensuring thesuccess or failure of your brand. There are lots of companies that try andbring about innovativeness in their content marketing strategies. However, manytimes, it backfires. This is where a creative head is required to fulfill therequirements of your online business. One way to do that is by hiring anexperienced content marketing manager.

You will be surprised to know that search engine optimization and content marketing go hand-in-hand in today’s dynamic business world. The ultimate objective of online businesses is to ensure that their website ranks on the top SERPs of Google. One way to do that is by affiliating with a professional SEO company Melbourne and ensuring that there is a right mix of content marketing strategy involved in conjunction with search engine optimization services.

This can be done bywriting top quality content and then marketing it through the right channels.Here, the role of content marketing manager becomes crucial. There is a lot ofresponsibility on the shoulders of content marketing managers that need to becarried out daily. A content marketing manager has to don the hat of a projectmanager, facilitate collaboration, and ensure that everyone in their teamsucceeds in their objective of marketing the quality content.

At times, thisbecomes quite tricky. The reason being, content marketing managers, do not havean in-born project management skills. Naturally, it has to be developed. Thepoint is, in the team of content marketing managers, there are specialists andcreatives. And it is needless to say that creative people are quite moody by nature.If you keep them happy and harmonious, it is possible to produce high-qualitywork.

This is somethingthat needs to work out by the content marketing managers. According to the 2019 In-House Creative Management Report by inMotionNow and InSource:

  1. There are merely 45% of creative and marketing professionals who remote that their team’s morale is high.
  2. 72% of them believe that getting requisite information to commence on a project is the most significant administrative task consuming lots of time.
  3. 22% think that collaboration between creative and marketing is ineffective.

This study is based on only one subset of a giant galaxy; however, the results feel universally reflective. It was found in2018 benchmarking report from CMI and MarketingProfs, approximately 33% of respondents rated their project management flows as Fair or Poor. And only 8% claiming theirs Excellent.

Understanding theneeds of different variety of individuals, including personalities and stylesof working can be extremely challenging. It is all about science tocollaboration. Let’s now look at some of the project management tips that cancatapult the team to get amazing results.

Commence with Creative Briefs

The importance ofdocumenting content strategy cannot be undermined. This is where creativebriefs play a critical role in completing the process. According to theIn-House Creative Management Report, teams that received adequate informationduring the project kickoff are:

  1. 26% more likely to say marketing leadership is effective;
  2. 23% more likely to report high morale;
  3. 14% more likely to get projects approved in three days or less.

Remember, anexcellent creative brief always provides expectations and deliverables foreveryone in the team. It sets clear timelines and always states the project’sgoals in a firm manner. A lot of time gets spent while developing a completecreative brief. However, the effort gets paid off in the long run as it reducesthe confusion of team members and answers their questions.

Always Encourage Open Communication in the Team

Even when you havelaid down the groundwork, different things might pop up in the course of theproject that requires you to move back-and-forth with multiple team members.You need to ensure open communication, however, take care creatives to haveuninterrupted time to produce.

Remember, there isno one-size-fits-all solution. One company might follow a differentcommunication method than the other. In certain companies, standup meetings aresimply the ticket. While for others, communication tools likeSkype orSlack are mostpreferred. Also, some companies still use old-fashioned emails, although thisis quite rare.

The best way to goahead is by having a continuous consultation with people and get theirfeedback. Try to find out what works best for them and then customize it tomeet the needs of the project.

Search for Appropriate Tools and Partners

In the previous pointer, we have looked at a few office collaboration tools. Apart from those, there are others which are specifically developed for project management, likeBasecamp,Trello, andWorkfront. You can customize others for content marketing initiatives. Some of them areCoSchedule,Percolate,Contently,Kapost,DivvyHQ, and much more.

In case you have alarge distributed team producing high volumes of content, it might be fruitfulto invest in such a solution for centralized organization and coordination.Several of these options offer a free trial.

On top of this, youcan opt to work with a partner that can reduce your load as time passes,especially if these are resource-consuming projects. For example, anexperienced agency specializing in content marketing can help in reducing thestress levels in different ways. This can be done by freeing up the people toconcentrate on their task in hand by offloading much of management andexecution.

Quality Assurance and Approval Processes

Quality assuranceis of paramount importance in the content production process. This is wheremost of the companies get it wrong. By following the tips provided in thiswrite-up, you will be able to get smooth approvals and push the content to thenext level of success.


To get the most out of your content marketing strategy and the team, it is essential for every content marketing manager to carry out SEO services Melbourne. This way, you will have the perfect combo of quality content and promoting it on the right marketing channels.

Author Bio:
Harshal Shah is CEO at Elsner Technologies Pty. Ltd., Elsner is an offshore eCommerce Website Design, SEO Company in Sydney and Melbourne specializing in Magento development, Web design & Custom Mobile App.